Member-only story
I earned $8.72 Writing on Medium!
After four weeks of writing, can I quit my day job?
I opened my Medium account in August, with the intention of getting back to writing. It had been quite a while, since graduate school, but I felt that in the 5 + years it had been that since my last serious foray into writing, a number of things have been weighing on my mind.
First, the five years I have spent teaching at a school in San Francisco has given me a new perspective on education, teaching, and the city of San Francisco to name a few. I also began to compete as a marathon runner, and it turned out that I had a lot of things to say about that as well. So when I opened my Medium account and began to write my first article, this sensation of drafting, editing, and publishing had the effect of pulling me back into the world of the written word.
Naturally, I was also intrigued by The Medium Partner Program (MPP). I have experimented with blogging in the past, and my experience was not great. It was hard to find a consistent audience without bugging the hell out of your friends. The nature Google AdSense, and the Amazon affiliate program are such that it requires the writer to do more self-promotion than actual writing. I am intrigued by the idea of earning revenue from writing, but I have little to no patience for aggressive marketing.